Study trip with H2-diplo Colombia on Green Hydrogen and the Decarbonization of Industries

From the 22nd – 28th September, 2024, we were able to welcome a delegation from the Colombian national and regional government and Universities to Berlin and Hamburg.
The one-week study trip on green hydrogen and decarbonization of industries enabled dialogue between our participants from Colombian and German Ministries, institutions and the private sector. We were able to exchange on the importance of political direction and regulatory frameworks as well as on best practice examples from the experience of the private sector.
The study visit started at the Federal Foreign Office with an exchange session on the German-Colombian cooperation in the field of green hydrogen and the importance of this partnership. While we were able to discuss the foundations of the German Hydrogen and Import Strategy, we were also able to address the serious commitment and accomplishments in setting the cornerstones for a hydrogen economy in Colombia. The Colombian Ambassador in Germany Yadir Salazar joined the meeting and also stressed once again the importance of a just energy transition in the discussion of a successful hydrogen ramp-up. The Colombian delegation had the chance to also present the current hydrogen strategies and developments in Colombia showing the commitment of the country for a successful hydrogen ramp-up. During the study trip, our delegation was able to visit many different institutions, authorities and private sector companies illustrating their role in and their vision for the development of a hydrogen industry.



We were able to get insights into private sector developments and visited Siemens Energy to learn more about Siemens Energy’s engagement in the energy sector and technology development along the energy value chain and were invited to gain insights into Siemens’ electrolyzer and turbine manufacturing.

During a tour on Berlin’s EUREF Campus we saw how a carbon-neutral environment can become reality, how Germany’s hydrogen landscape is structured with German Energy Agency (dena) and how the “Leitstelle Wasserstoff” is supporting the successful implementation of Germany’s Hydrogen roadmap.

During the second half of the study-trip we visited Hamburg to learn more about the city’s vision to become Germany’s first major climate-neutral industrial city. We were able to exchange on Hamburg’s Cluster for renewable energy and its strategies to become a hub for hydrogen imports to Germany at BWI Hamburg. Cruh21 presented Germany’s Hydrogen Flagship projects and shared important lessons of these pilots for a successful implementation of hydrogen projects. With a harbor tour coordinated by the Hamburg Port Authority we had the chance to also see the infrastructural changes and plans become reality. The trip was accompanied by Green Planet Energy showing how citizens can be carried along in this transition.

Additionally, we were able to meet private sector companies to exchange on their visions and lessons learned on the way to decarbonized industries and business models.


At AcelorMittal we learned more about the production of climate neutral steel and the political and financial necessities to enable the decarbonization of the steel industry in Europe. Evos gave us very valuable insights into their engagement in transforming their business activities towards a carbon neutral future with sustainable fuels and hydrogen derivates. At Mabanaft we were able to discuss the company’s vision on a decarbonized future, necessary infrastructural change and how Mabanaft is already starting the transition now.

The study trip also included a visit at H2Global showcasing a mechanism supporting the creation of functioning markets for clean hydrogen and other low-emission fuels.

Overall, the study tour successfully managed to provide an overview on German strategies and private-sector real practice examples in the creation of decarbonized industries. Through the tour our delegation was not only able to exchange knowledge but also to connect with authorities, institutions and the private sector in Germany contributing to a successful collaboration between Colombia and Germany in the field of green hydrogen.

For more news about the H2-diplo activities, follow us on LinkedIn: H2-diplo – Decarbonization Diplomacy | LinkedIn