Supply risks in critical raw materials of energy transition technologies

Overview on key hydrogen support policies

Internationale Zertifizierungssysteme

World in transition

The structures of the emerging international hydrogen trade

Towards a green shipping gateway – Establishing a green hydrogen economy in Egypt

Future Forum on Green Hydrogen Webinar: A Transformative Discussion for Fossil Fuel Exporters

Under the umbrella of the event series “Future Forum Green Hydrogen”, H2-diplo hosted a webinar titled on the role of hydrogen for the energy transformation of fossil fuel exporters. It brought together experts and stakeholders to discuss the transformative potential of green hydrogen for countries that are currently economically dependent on exporting oil and gas.
Energy Transformation of Fossil Fuel Exporters

COP28: Successful Side Event on the difference that fertilizer from green ammonia can make for food security and climate mitigation

COP28 is over and H2-diplo was part of it with the side event “Fertilizing the Future: Using Green Hydrogen Value Chains to Address the Climate-Food-Security Nexus”, co-hosted by the Federal Foreign Office, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, and UNIDO.