Promoting a Just Energy Transition: How Feminist Foreign Policy Can Help Reshape Global Power Structures in the Energy Sector

A new H2-diplo study explores how integrating feminist foreign policy into global energy governance can drive a more equitable and sustainable transition, ensuring no community is left behind.
Challenging Entrenched Power Structures in the Energy Sector – Feminist Foreign Policy as a Key to a Just Transition

Net Zero for Global Security? Navigating Geopolitical Shifts in the Energy Transition and the Rise of Global Hydrogen Trade

At the BMW Foundation Herbet Quandt’s Energy Security Hub accompanying the Munich Security Conference 2025, experts explored the geopolitical implications of the global energy transition and the emerging hydrogen economy, highlighting security risks, industrial competitiveness, and the path to a just and inclusive energy future at a panel event organized by H2-diplo.
Julia Nagel
Green Hydrogen in Greece: Opportunities for Decarbonization and Green Growth

Greece is positioning itself in Europe’s hydrogen landscape, with initiatives like H2-diplo fostering green hydrogen discussions at the Thessaloniki International Fair in collaboration with DIPLOMERGY and H2Greece.
Paulina Brunn
H2-diplo Decarbonization Dialogue on the role of green hydrogen for Azerbaijan

A high-ranking half-day event with the German Embassy in Baku shed light on the potential green hydrogen offers for decarbonization and diversification in Azerbajian and how it can take Azerbaijan’s position as an energy exporter into the future.
Future Forum Green Hydrogen: Insights on the geopolitical dynamics of decarbonization and Net-Zero Economies

On May 29, 2024, H2-diplo hosted the second conference in the “Future Forum Green Hydrogen” series at the German Federal Foreign Office in Berlin. The in-person event brought together more than 120 experts, diplomats, policymakers and stakeholders from the energy sector to discuss the geopolitical dynamics of future energy trade relations. The debates centered on securing reliable energy imports for the EU and enhancing socio-economic opportunities and climate action potential in hydrogen exporting countries in the Global South.
A spotlight on Mauritania’s hydrogen potential

The 1st Mauritanian-German Green Hydrogen Forum provided impulses for forwarding Mauritania’s national hydrogen agenda by providing a platform for building cross- cutting networks within this nascent industry.
Timeline of the formation and evolution of the global hydrogen industry