The opening panel was followed by a keynote from Mikaa Blugeon-Mered, lecturer at Science-Po, Paris and internationally acclaimed expert on the geopolitics of hydrogen. With his remarks on Green Hydrogen as a historic momentum for Africa’s energy sector, he set the scene for the three subsequent discussions which brought together representatives from Mauritanian institutions like the Ministry of Petroleum, Mines and Energy and the Mauritania Investment Promotion Agency (APIM), industry representatives from Chariot, CWP Global and Conjucta as well as international experts from think tanks and associations like the African Green Hydrogen Alliance, the African Energy Council, Hydrogen Europe, the University of Oxford and Perspectives Climate Group. The lively and interesting debates touched topics such as the potential of a green hydrogen economy in Mauritania in the context of the global energy transition and how this can be reached in a just way, the necessary framework for Mauritania’s hydrogen infrastructure and new local value chains as well as developing financing solutions for green hydrogen projects in Mauritania.
It became clear that although Mauritania will face challenges attracting investments and providing the necessary framework regarding the regulatory conditions, but also the infrastructure, the government is accelerating its efforts to create the best possible conditions for global partners and investors. It was also emphasized that many developments and circumstances are not in the hands of individual governments, but rather dependent of the general market development and, e.g. demand commitments from industries.

Besides the discussions on the panels, the breaks where actively used by the participants to further explore those topics and to network.
The event ended with conclusions by Her Excellency Ambassador Isabel Hénin:
- Due to its enormous potential for renewable energies for the hydrogen production and the development of a competitive green hydrogen industry, Mauritania is a strategic partner for Germany and Europe in this sector and for the protection of climate
- Germany and the EU are expected to support the Mauritanian ambitions and respond to them through their commitment under the Team Europe Initiative.
- Faced with significant technological, labor, infrastructure and financing challenges, the opportunities for green hydrogen for economic growth, inclusive development and job creation are considerable.
- Green hydrogen requires co-development between producing countries and user countries to achieve a just energy transition on a global scale and to contribute to decarbonization and climate protection.

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All pictures from Mamsy.